Charlotte Area leader in beach volleyball collegiate development.


Charlotte AVP Upcoming Qualifiers

May 11: Renaissance Park

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Offering Small Group Skill Focused Training

LOCATIONS: Small Bar Fort Mill, Renaissance, Blythe Landing

Our evaluation day is for us to help you find small groups to fit your beach volleyball training. Meet the coaches, try out a practice, and learn more about our program.

Check back for more tournaments to be held at Small Bar Fort Mill

We have teamed up with The Versatile Athlete to add strength and condition options to our programs. Custom volleyball specific workouts with your small group.

Join us for a Little Fun in the Sand

Now Offering Youth Beach Volleyball Training!

Invest in your skills to progress your level on the beach

Now that Women’s Beach Volleyball is an NCAA Sanctioned Championship Sport the opportunities for athletes to play on scholarship are multiplying quickly. We want to help young athletes achieve their dreams of playing at the Collegiate Level and beyond. Perhaps most importantly, we want to develop young people into confident athletes, great teammates, tough competitors, and lifelong lovers of this sport.

Improve your skills in the sand

We exist because we love beach volleyball and want to provide a year-round platform for juniors to learn the game and play at their highest level. We are beach volleyball players and have loved this game since we dipped our toes in the sand and want everyone to have the opportunity to play this sport we love so much.

“CLT Beach taught me so much and took my game to the next level.”

—Katy F.

Try a session and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.